Happy Birthday WordPress: Reasons We Love You

Happy 11th Birthday WordPress! Getting bigger and badder each year WordPress is constantly improving – both it’s code and the lives of all those using this awesome CMS. So, in honor of WordPress’ birthday (and out of curiosity) I asked around why people think WordPress is so great. Keep reading to see what WordPress professionals think and why they love WordPress.
Why We Love WordPress

How I love WordPress… let me count the ways! 🙂 In short, I love that I can make a living with WordPress. There’s such a broad ecosystem of users, products, and services that anyone with the inclination can build a good business on WordPress.
Carrie Dils

WordPress makes creating websites super-duper easy. You can have a fully functional website by the end of the day! Other than that, the platform is quite extensible in that you can get a plugin for just about any function imaginable. What’s more, WordPress is lovingly designed, which gives us a CMS platform that is beautiful, super-fast and SEO-friendly. WordPress is simply awesome! There are so many great things to say about WordPress I might end up writing an entire post, so I’ll just stop there.
Freddy Muriuki

I have been using WordPress for 3 years or so, and I always enjoyed using it. I have tried several other content management systems in past, but loved WordPress because of its simplicity, easy to use interface, ease of customization, and strong community. I have never witnessed any other platform with such a strong community.
Devesh Sharma

The thing I love about WordPress is the openness of the community and the fact that everyone is happy to learn from each other and contribute back to the WordPress project. WordPress has really managed to employ the “open source” ethos to its fullest potential and at a huge scale, which is no small task.
Gilbert Pellegrom

WordPress is quick to install, easy to use and seriously empowering: WordPress is an absolutely awesome – and not to mention beautiful – tool that gives millions an easily accessible means to enter the world of online publishing with minimal fuss! In short, WordPress revolutionizes online publishing – it’s that simple!
Brin Wilson

Well I love WordPress because it is very easy to use for bloggers as well as for developers. With tons of plugins and themes available at our disposal to tweak WordPress and use it to make any kind of website. Also an ever growing community dedicated to WordPress sure helps us in making new friends from around the world with whom we can share our knowledge and ask for help. I am impressed with how much WordPress has progressed thus far, and I foresee WordPress going even further.
Ahsan Parwez

At HelpForWP.com we develop plugins for WordPress, our team has also been building sites based on WordPress for nearly 5 years.
Peter Shilling
Why do we love it? Well from a developers perspective it’s because it’s so approachable. The APIs are clear and simple to use, armed with the Codex a new developer can get started in no time. But it’s not just the code base, “approachable” also rings true for the community. I love the fact that I can reach out on twitter to the developer of a plugin or a theme, ask a question or give them feedback – it’s awesome!

For me, WordPress excels in how it facilitates and encourages extensive customisation. It allows plugin developers to easily use their creative powers and quickly create some quite powerful things. You can see this through the sheer number of WordPress plugins out there, and development isn’t exclusively for professionals. On the contrary, some of the most useful WordPress plugins have been created by hobbyists. This is enabled by the fact the WordPress community is one of the most generous and talented in the world today; this friendly community atmosphere has really helped to make WordPress attractive for developers and desirable to use for bloggers. On top of this, WordPress is not just a CMS for developers; it has been meticulously crafted to be easy to use for people from all walks of life, whether they know code or not. This is the reason why, in my opinion, it has deservedly become the World’s favourite blogging platform. The WordPress motto, ‘Code is Poetry’, demonstrates how WordPress is fueled by passion and a desire for excellence; the WordPress project isn’t aiming for any monetary or corporate targets, it is aiming for perfection. This is extraordinary, showing why WordPress truly is a wonder of the Internet.
Harri Bell-Thomas

Where do I start? I’m not sure I could give one simple answer! However, I’m sure you’re getting responses from people about all the most obvious stuff: the enormous number of available themes and plugins, ease of use, awesome community, and so on. So, I’ll try something a little different: I love WordPress because it offers so many opportunities for people who want to make money online. Personally speaking, I have carved out a career as a WordPress blogger (amongst other things), and all of my sites run on WordPress. There are just so many opportunities – as a writer, designer, developer, programmer…the list just goes on, on. WordPress is an economy all in itself!
Tom Ewer

Back in 2007 I had to choose a small CMS for my clients’ websites. Back then WordPress was supposed to support only blogs but even back then that was far from the truth. Many customers are happy with their content management system and even today most of them upgrade their websites by themselves. Fast forward to 2014 and as a premium WordPress themes provider I have to say that WordPress completely changed my life. It seems it has changed the lives of our 16000+ customers, too. How is it possible NOT to love WordPress?
Gerasimos Tsiamalos

I love WordPress for its versatility. Sure, it is easy to install and easy to use, though so are many other content management systems. The sheer volume of plugins and themes that are available for the WordPress platform puts it above its competition. It is the reason why WordPress is so popular. There is very little it cannot do.That is why I use it on so many projects.
Kevin Muldoon

To me, WordPress is for websites what the discovery of warp speed would be for space travel. It propels websites further, faster with a worldwide team of developers looking out for security and usability – and it’s available for free to the every-person! WordPress works for so many things at so many different user levels: websites, apps, memberships, online shops. As a developer, I love building apps and projects using WordPress because it has a huge range of well-thought-out tools which speed production and give me a way to get from point A (an idea) to point B (execution of that idea). The actions and filter hook system is truly amazing and allows for so much innovation without interfering with what other developers are building alongside you.
Phil Johnston

There’s a few main reasons I LOVE WordPress, its open source, the awesome community & the biggie — its afforded me to stop working for the “Man” and carve my own path.
Chris Robinson

WordPress is a great platform for any level of user, and what I love is how empowering it is. Anyone can build a website with WordPress. And on top of that, anyone can start a business with WordPress. It works for every budget. It’s endlessly flexible (just install a few plugins). And it’s always getting better with each update. So really there’s no reason not to start a website when WordPress makes it so effortless.
Kyla Glover

That’s tough – there are so many reasons! It’s free so it’s great to start, it’s always improving, and as a developer it is much quicker to create websites using WordPress as a framework. Plus it’s constantly evolving – it started out as just a blogging platform, but now you can run full e-commerce websites, forums and do a lot more all with WordPress.
AJ Clarke
Your Turn
So why do you love WordPress? Just leave a quick note in the comments below – I’d love to know your reasons!